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  What is the Graston Technique?

      The Graston Technique® incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect

      and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal function.


      The Technique:

              - Separates and breaks down collagen cross-links, and splays and stretches connective tissue and muscle fibers.

              - Breaks down scar tissue to promote healing patterns within the soft tissues.

              - Facilitates reflex changes in the chronic muscle holding patterns.

              - Increases the rate and amount of blood flow to and from the area.

              - Increases cellular activity in the region, including fibroblasts and mast cells.


  Why is scar tissue a problem?

      Scar tissue limits range of motion, and in many instances causes pain, which prevents the patient from functioning as he or she did before the



  How is scar tissue different from other tissue?

      When viewed under a microscope, normal tissue can take a couple of different fashions: dense, regular elongated fibers running in the same

      direction, such as tendons and ligaments; or dense, irregular and loose with fibers running in multiple directions. In either instance, when tissue is

      damaged it will heal in a haphazard pattern--or scarring--that results in a restricted range of motion and, very often, pain.


  How are the instruments used?

      The Graston Technique® instruments are used to enhance the clinician's ability to detect adhesions, scar tissue or restrictions in the affected

      areas. Skilled clinicians use the stainless steel instruments to comb over and "catch" on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies the areas of

      restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments are used to break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.


  Is the treatment painful?

      Graston Company's Response: It is common to experience minor discomfort during the procedure and some bruising afterwards. This is a

                                                     normal response and part of the healing process.


      Michael Phelps' Response: "My trainer uses Graston tools, these little metal crowbars. He carves them into my shoulder blades, my back, my

                                                  knee, my hamstrings—wherever I’m really tight—to loosen things up. It’s pretty intense. Obscenities fly out of my

                                                  mouth the whole time, and I’m usually bruised for two days after it." per interview for Details magazine in August of 2012.


      Dr. Hoops' Response: "I agree with Michael."


  Is Graston Technique used alone?

      No. Whether the injury is work or non-work related, the Graston Technique® protocol is the same. Our protocol includes a brief warm-up exercise,

      Graston Technique® treatment, followed by stretching, strengthening and ice.

Contact Us:

Tel: (714) 526-WELL(9355)

Fax: (714) 526-9350


Socialize With Us:

Location​​​​​​: 235 N. Euclid St., Fullerton, CA 92832

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Hoops Chiropractic

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